The Secret to Happiness
I have a few questions for you. Perhaps you've been asked these questions in the past: 1. If money and time were not an issue, what would you be doing with your life that represented your passion in the greatest way? (In other words, there is no concern about how you'd manage your financial affairs if you transformed to this area, and your age is not an issue). 2. What have you done lately to connect with your passion on any level? (Even if it's just watched a documentary about something you are passionate about). 3. What is one thing you can do today to connect with your passion? In case you haven't done so yet, it is time to get very clear about what your passion is: It's what you'd do because you love it so much that time just seems to fly by any time - and in any way you are engaged with it. You love your passion so much that you would do it for free because you just...